Dive Sites

Annapolis - 85’
The Annapolis was a 230' coal barge sunk during a collision with a US submarine in 1945. Today the vast remains of the barge lie on a sandy bottom in 90' of water near Block Island. A large bow windlass rises 15' off the bottom with the anchor chain still intact out to the anchor mooring. The wreck site is always loaded with fish life of varying types including large schools of scup and sea bass.
Vis: 10'-25'

Coimbra - 180’
This 422' oil tanker was sunk by the German submarine, U123, on January 15th, 1942. The torpedo blasts left the wreck lying on her starboard side, in three pieces, rising more than 40’ off the bottom. Deep water wrecks such as this tend to stay more intact and visibility offshore can exceed 80'. However, this type of diving demands technical dive training and certification of such is required.Â
Vis: 40-80'+

Essex - 25’
Having run aground in the fog off Block Island in 1941, the freighter, Essex, has created an easy going shallow dive site for all levels. Much of the ship was salvaged, but there's still plenty to explore and different parts of the wreck become exposed with the shifting sands every season. One of the two ship’s steam boilers and rather large section of hull comprise the main dive site.
Vis: 15-30'

Grecian - 95’
The Grecian was a 290’ steel freighter sunk after being struck by another vessel in 1932. Sitting in 95’ of water, four huge boilers and the bow section rise 15’ from the sandy bottom. There is also a large debris field behind the boilers in which artifacts are still being found. There’s an array of marine life on this site frequently including sharks, rays and other pelagic species.
Vis: 15-40’

Gurney's Barge - 60 ’
This barge is approximately 110’ long laying upside down and 60’ of water south of Montauk. Partially intact on a sandy bottom schools of sea bass, blackfish and scup swarm the site. The wreck is easy to navigate and a worthwhile dive for all levels. Penetration is no longer possible due to the devastation to the site from hurricane Sandy.
Vis: 10-30’

Heroine - 70’
In 1920, this 110’ fishing trawler took on water and sank in 80’ of water north of Block Island. Today the wreck is broken up but still provides over 20’ of relief in areas and is a very nice dive for photography and spearfishing. Easy to navigate and in relatively shallow water, divers of all levels will appreciate this prototypical example of Northeast wreck diving.
Vis: 10-30’

Idene - 90’
The Idene was a 120’ steel hulled fishing trawler was sunk as an artificial reef by the state of Rhode Island in 1991. The wreck sits upright and intact on a white sandy bottom in 90’ of water southeast of B.I. Penetration is easy, but should only be done by qualified divers. The top of the Idene can be reached at 60’. Commonly known as the Hollywood wreck for its picturesque setting, it is an excellent site for underwater photography and video.
Vis: 15-50’

Jennie R Dubois - 100’
In 1903 the 249’ five mastered schooner sank after a collision in the fog with a German freighter southeast of Block Island. The JRD was the largest of its kind ever built in the United States. Resting on a sandy bottom, the site is often graced with a very good visibility and lots of wreckage to explore. Having only been discovered recently, the shipwreck has lots of potential artifacts to be discovered by the enterprising diver.
Vis: 15-50’

Larchmont - 130’
In 1907, the steam driven paddle-wheeler, Larchmont, was struck by another vessel and sank in 130’ of water south of Watch Hill, Rhode Island. Today the wreckage is widely scattered across the bottom, however, the 70 foot paddle wheels are still standing up out of the sand, along with three huge boilers and new artifacts turn up with every storm. This site is known as a black water dive it must be done by experienced divers at slack water.
Vis: 5-20’

Lightburne- 30’
The Lightburne was a 419’ Texaco oil tanker that ran aground right in front of the Block Island southeast lighthouse in 1939. Today the wreck is unrecognizable has a ship, but still offers a very enjoyable dive. In just 30’ of water, structures reach to the surface and form underwater corrals for schools of fish. When the conditions are right this dive could be mistaken for one in tropical waters, making it great northeast introductory dive.
Vis: 15-50’+

Malden - 45’
In September 1921 this 473’ massive freighter sank after a collision in dense fog. The wreck was wire dragged to avoid remaining a hazard to navigation, leaving a huge debris field of steel hull plates, structures and framing that are covered with beautiful soft corrals, frilled anemones and brilliant hydroids.
The wreck is on a white sandy bottom close to Montauk, allowing for a great visibility and easy diving. Strong tides make this a slack tide dive.
Vis: 10-30’

Mary Ann - 110’
Located during a random search in the area by captain Ben Roberts of Eastern Search and Survey, this steel hulled fishing dragger rests in 110’ of the water on the east side of Block Island. The vessel sits upright with the outriggers reaching 40’ off the bottom. Fully intact and covered with anemones, it is an impressive wreck for advanced divers.
Underwater hunters could be well rewarded with lobster, sea bass, fluke, codfish and mussels.
Vis: 15-40’
Miss Caroline - 130’

The shrimp trawler Miss Caroline foundered in 2006 south of Montauk. The wood trawler was approximately 80’ long and fully rigged when she took on water and sank on a sandy bottom in 130’ of water. The location of the wreck remained a mystery until recently in 2021 it was located and dived on by Captain Ben Roberts of Eastern Search and Survey (scan above by them). Being relatively close to Montauk, this is an excellent shipwreck to visit for two dives or combine with other shallower wrecks nearby.
Vis: 20-50’+
Onondaga - 60’

This 280’ freighter struck a rock reef off Watch Hill, R.I. in 1918. Much remains of this massive steel hulled ship including the partially intact stern (pictured) that rises 20’ off the gravel bottom, two giant steam boilers and numerous hull sections, including the bow. Artifacts can still be found after fierce storms wash out portions inside the wreck. It is also a fish haven that is covered with bright frilled anemones, blood stars, soft corals and sugar kelp. A great dive for all levels, but must be dived during slack tide.
Vis: 10-25’
Pinnacle - 70’

Located south of Block Island lies one of the most interesting dives in New England. The pinnacle is comprised of boulders left from the ice flow 15,000 years ago. The towering boulders reach within 30 feet of the surface from the sandy bottom 75 feet below. Covering over an acre of ocean floor, the huge boulders from crevices and tunnels large enough to swim through. The rock surfaces are covered with bright colorful frilled anemones, blood stars and soft corals. Needless to say, fish life here is also at a maximum.
Vis: 15-50’

Puszta - 20’
On April 17th, 1934 the 348’ the steel hull freighter, Puszta, ran aground in heavy fog on the east side of Block Island. Most of the vessel was salvaged, leaving only scattered hull plates and framing. However, these sections can actually still be penetrated using sidemount scuba techniques. The site is well protected by nearby cliffs which help make for great visibility due to calm waters with prevailing west winds. The area has also become the home of some resident harbor seals that will occasionally cruise the wreckage.
Vis: 20-50’

Snug Harbor - 60’
In 1920, this 280’ steel hulled freighter was struck by another vessel and sank in 60 feet of water near Montauk point. Storms have ravage the wreck leaving two boilers and large debris field, along with a bow and stern section. The bow section contains a large navy anchor and multiple hull plates, while the massive four blade propeller (pictured) remains in the stern. Sitting alone on the bottom this site attracts schools of fish during the summer months including striped bass and blackfish. This is a slack water dive.
Vis: 10-25’

U853 - 125’
This type IXC 40 German submarine was a depth charged on May 6, 1945. The wreck is a must see for enterprising deep divers. Though the sub this upright and intact, recent years have begun to show some breaking down of this 252 foot vessel, but remains one of the best U-boat dives anywhere in the world. Penetration is possible, but should only be done by qualified experience divers. We offer both day trips and overnight trips to the U-boat, which generally include a night on Block Island.
Vis: 10-40’+

USS Bass - 150’
This 341’ V2 class US submarine was intentionally sunk by the US Navy in 1945 as a practice artillery target. The bass sits in 155’ of water 14 miles southeast of Montauk. The bronze conning tower can be reached at 125’ and the deck at 140’. The wreck is broken in two pieces that lie only 40’ apart. Both sections are intact and offer penetration possibilities for the highly experienced tech diver. Two huge brass propellers remain in the stern, along with the diving planes and rudder. The Bass is an awesome dive for experience deep divers and also a great site for technical training.
Vis: 20-50’+

Volund - 100’
This shipwreck was found by NOAA in the fall of 2003. The Volund was a Norwegian freighter the collided with another vessel and sank on September 26, 1908 in the area known as the race. Amazingly, the wreck is still much intact and sitting upright. Currents in the race can be five knots at times making this site only accessible during slack water. Early in the season is the best time to visit the Volund before the plankton bloom in Long Island sound which tends to drop visibility. Divers should be trained and experienced in strong current diving and drift deco procedures.
Vis: 5-20’

Wind Farm - 85’
The Block Island wind farms are the first of their kind in the Northeast. Five 600’ platforms rise from the sandy ocean floor to the surface and well beyond. These are the only structures in our area that cover the entire water column, attracting a variety of ocean life not usually seen on typical dives. They are also located in an ideal diving environment, three miles south east of Block Island where the water is frequently very clean. A day can be spent on the platforms or combined with other dive sites south of Block. Excellent for free diving and scuba alike.
Vis: 15-40’